Friday, August 31, 2007


by JD
The easel is set. And the canvas gracing the tripod waits its wait to soak in the colours. Another routine thing, some would think. Anything but! We can’t help but smirk at the very thought. Routine bores us and conservative spells death. Though what would fill the canvas is beyond our grasp. The curves and strokes get done on its own. We just hold the brush. And bring in the palette - rich, vibrant colours, all shades and hues, swirling a latent twirl – alive, almost- and waiting to splash on the canvas.

The Reds – of the build-up and its sheer intensity, of the rigor in planning things down to a T, of the pulsating embers waiting to get flared up in a blaze of glory.

The Greens – of the campus and its virgin environs all set to get decked up, of the envy over a job better done by fellow mate and waiting one’s turn to surpass even that, of the megabucks that pass hands bloating the scale one notch higher.

The Blues – of, well, the occasional blues, which too gets dissolved away in the wink of an eye, of the stillness in the final wakes of the late nights, and as the day draws nigh - of the serenity in the calm before the storm.

The shocking Pinks and zany Purples – of the event. Call it crazy, offbeat, even a tad outlandish – or better still, MICAns!

The Yellows – of the third awakening, of the dazzling lights lighting up the dais, of four seamless days and the golden glow that fills the sight.

The Blacks – of sheer class, of the evil eyes cast, of murdered nights.

And the whites – of the sheer brilliance of the beast called CROWD, of the five senses dissolving into the beyond – into the sixth.

And of the still empty canvas on the easel waiting its wait to soak in the colours, all hues and shades.

Come one, come all to make merry and watch the splash. Because in the end, it all waters down to one thing. One word rather.


The kick-start!
MICANVAS goes global!


rayshma said...

u made me nostalgic... added up to thy orkut list.. and LOVED d pics :) wl blog-roll u as well. but promise, to keep this space updated?

MICANVAS said...

Hey Rayshma, of course we'll be updating this blog every now and then... Make sure you check out the pics and posts other than those seen on the first page :)