Sunday, October 21, 2007
This time MICANVAS is bigger and better than ever before. This blog will take you all around MICANVAS - giving you a preview of everything and give you everything you need to know! :)
So what are you waiting for? Click on any of the links before and let's get started :)
PS: Make sure you keep checking this page for regular updates!!
THE SCHEDULE: The wheres and whats and whens of MICANVAS!
The Canvas : What MICANVAS means to us.
The Kick-Start : How it all started...!
Formal events at MICANVAS : All the formal events and details you need!
Semiformal and Informal events : Time to have some fun... And get some dough in the process!
The Concerts : Still having doubts as to whether to attend Strings, Parikrama and Zero? Click here and remove all doubt!
The MICANVAS party : Yes, MICANVAS culminates with a grand party at Palaash!
MICANVAS 2006 photos : Memories on Digital celluloid from last year!
MICA Photos : Our li'l campus! :)
The PDFs : Check details of formal events here!
MICANVAS goes Global : Our first venture outside the country! :)
For any problems or queries, please contact:
Shaggy @ +91 99740 92725
Scrap us @
Mail us @
Okay, so you're done with the formal events, and have got out of that very stuffy blazer. But before you can get that collar off totally, we have a few spicy events for you to sample.
So, you know the revenues of all the Fortune 500 companies inside out. But is that good enough? The MICANVAS business quiz. You've been showing off how you read each BizMag that reaches your college library. Here's your ticket to quizzing glory!
What do Eddie van Halen, Lord Swraj Paul, Paris Hilton, Jonathan Woodgate and PG Wodehouse have in common? Well, they all have equal chances of being the answer to the conondrums tossed at participants in the mind-numbing MICANVAS quiz. Try your hand at this event, which will have you pumping, clutching your hair in how-did-I-miss-that agony and a lot of adrenaline.
Whether its Bollywood, Tollywood or Hollywood, we leave no one behind as the quizmaster takes you through a series of uppers and downers over three days and finally build up to a smashingly entertaining Casting Couch.
Some old magazines and newspapers. Some ad-hesive. Some chart paper. A collage. One idea. Ad-dict - creating new patterns of a legacy left behind. Pure ad-renaline. Think you can ad-dress it?
... To people other than Satan, of course. If you thought selling was easy, try selling hell in a buyable manner. Who knows, you might just end up discovering a hot new real estate property! :D
An esoteric journey into the past, present and future of international cinema by our own Professor AF Mathew. You thought Hollywood was something? Wait for this man to shatter all your notions! Like a student once famously commented, "He will fight ignorance with hard facts, one-dimensional thinking with broad-mindedness, irrational assumptions with rational arguments and challenge his students to shake off their beliefs for a few minutes and drink in his brilliance."
‘Spotlight’ marks the dawn of a new era for MICANVAS, the annual brand management festival of MICA. On the night of October 26, 2007, MICANVAS will witness magic as the best theatre teams in INDIA descend upon the MICAn dais to vie for honour and pride and of course for a lot of great prizes too!
Click here for a detailed description of the entire event.
They say that MICAns work hard, and party harder. And through the informal events, all the way to the grand finale - the party, we prove to everyone that this is one legacy we refuse to let go of.
It is no secret that BSchoolers love their rock, and a bit of Floyd after a gruelling day of Finance is what hits the sweet spot. In the past, bands like Parikrama and Indian Ocean have graced the campus to raptuous audiences. Oh, and did we mention, Euphoria?
For more details, click here.
A special Kathak dance recital by the danseuse par excellence Padmashree Shovana Narayan depicting the theme of our festival “THE THIRD AWAKENING – BRAND INDIA RESONATES”. She has blazed a trail in Kathak, bestowing it with dignity and enriching it with a deeper and wider canvas of expression and dimensions. Her name is not only synonymous with Kathak but also with ennoblement. Be prepared to be mesmerized on the 25th evening, right here at MICANVAS.
When the aesthetics of a beatiful campus marry Dan Brownian cunning (or, if you prefer, National Treasure-ian cunning). MICANVAS presents a very unique, first-of-its-kind midnight treasure hunt. From cryptic clues to spooky locations, participants will discover the MICA Campus and it's incredibly diverse flora and fauna in a way they would never have imagined, all in the ultimate hunt for a giant treasure that will be theirs for the taking at the end of the journey.
By transcending countries, culture, we bring people together in an attempt to explore and push the envelope of dance and challenge the traditional notions of dance. Through this Workshop conducted by Latin Dance India we promise to bring together body, mind, music and other forms of art eventually translating into the development of the individual and his relationship with society.
With LDI on campus we make dance affordable and approachable!!
We promise you, after this event, the 9 AM ppt will be a piece o' cake.
So there you go, people. The dates will be out very soon. In the meantime, if you have any queries at all, please drop us a line at
by ChUcK
Right ho!
We speak of rock bands, themes, great BSchool crowds, good food, a party and all that during MICANVAS. But hey, where would MICA's li'l fest be without its events? Here's a list of all the events you can look forward to at MICANVAS.
Whether you participate, cheer on your friends who're facing the music (literally?) or just generally looking for a good ringside view of some good action, we promise you'll have a bloody good time! :D The only flipside, of course, is that sleep patterns might change slightly, as for 96 hours, Rapid Eye Movement will be the last thing on your mind as we immerse you in our sea of events. Enough pfaff. Let's get to the events now.
Unless of course, you're a member of the elite panel, we're sorry you won't exactly be 'participating' here :D But of course, we look forward to having an engaging discussion and an active audience is the key! Garner a ring-side experience of how luminaries across the world perceive ‘Brand India’ and its ever burgeoning global influence.
On the 25th, the following luminaries would be speaking:
Mr. Hemant Sachdev (Director Marketing, Bharti Enterprises Ltd)
Mr. Santosh Desai (MD, Future Brands)
Prof. Shiv Vishwanathan (Social Scientist)
Padma Shree Shovana Narayanan (Renowned Kathak Performer)
Prof. Atul Tandan (Director, MICA)
On the 27th:
Mr. Raju Narisetti (Managing Editor, MINT)
Mrs. Vanita Kohli (VP, Media Vertical, Ernst & Young)
Mr. T.S. Seshu (Rural Retail Head, ITC)
Mr. Tarun Katial (COO, Big FM)
Mr. Llyod Mathias (Director Marketing, Motorola)
Mr. Saurabh Kanwar (Vice President, Channel [V])
Celebrating the undying spirit of the nation, we have specially designed this event to create an Integrated Marketing Communications plan for the brand “India”. For the first time ever, MICANVAS has an International event with participants from all across the globe competing with the very best from India.
Click here for a detailed description of the entire event.
It’s a unique opportunity to suggest the best strategy to SBI, one of the largest bank’s in the country. Students have to study the local area for the strength of the brand SBI and devise an area-specific strategy for increasing market share.
Click here for a detailed description of the entire event.
"If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish he will buy an ugly hat. And if you talk about fish to a starving man then you are a consultant."
- Dilbert
But it doesn't always have to be that way, does it? Here is where the best minds from India's premier B-schools become consultants. Consider a case right in front of you - fresh out of a company facing a problem. It could be a marketing dilemma, an HR predicament or a research crisis that requires fresh thought, a radical strategy, a new vision. Help the biggies solve it.
And this time, it's Paras pharmaceuticals who think that you have it in you market a new product for them. Can you?
Contest details here.
How much of a Ratan Tata, Dhirubai Ambani or Sunil Mittal do you have in you? Yes, back by popular demand and buoyed by the phenomenal response it received last year, Cerebrus once again invites all budding entrepreneurs to iron out their ventures and ideas and check their feasibility.
Details here.
Think you have what it takes to defend your concepts and ideas against a panel and a Colloseum-like audience, armed with nothing more than the BSchooler's favourite weapon, a powerpoint presentation? Participants are asked to present a paper on unexplored and upcoming concepts in marketing and corporate strategy. The finalists are invited to MICANVAS to present their papers.
The theory of games that can turn managers into CEOs. Calculate your gains and losses and take meticulous risks. Game theory comes alive like never before to test negotiations and strategy. It takes more than A Beautiful Mind to come out on tops here ;)
A multi-phased online competition, which tests the decision-making abilities of participating teams across various dynamic parameters, competing with rivals in realtime.
You thought Anathea Franklin could hit the high notes? Just come to CrossTalk and watch the decibel levels reach unheard-of levels (pun intended). An arena for the eloquent, the majestically articulate, the flamboyant and the crisp, the baritones and monotones. Hear points of views and strong opinons flying back and forth, as the best in the business battle it out. Details here.
LAST MAN(AGER) STANDING: It’s Not Personal, It’s Just Business!
Live the toughest times in an executive's life. As each participant looks to impress by continuously climbing rungs to avoid elimination, the competition keeps getting hotter.
MICANVAS 2007 offers massive prize money to the winner of The Last Man(ager) Standing, the participants of which will be put through a series of gruelling tasks (from organizing blind dates to analyzing brand equities!) testing team skills in the wake of fierce rivalry. The participants keep getting “axed” by our celebrity judge until there is one man(ager) standing.
A brand new event introduced by a sponsor that we have a long, proud association with. A case study analysis... Check out the details here.
An event by TAM - a brodcast simulation game! Details here.
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Now, MICA is proud to present on stage, on the humble main lawns - this band that has given a face to Indian rock - followed by the band that looks to be the future of Indian rock - live in concert, on the 27th of October. And as if that were not enough, Strings on the 28th. On the same stage.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The MICANVAS Party... A prelude!
Shining strobe lights intertwined, pulsating music, a charged atmosphere, candles around and high spirits… Do I hear someone say party time? That’s right. This IS another one of MICA’s famous parties, and this time it’s the MICANVAS party.

For those of you who are MICAns, you know what to expect from the party. For those of you who aren’t, it’s time for a little induction into the party culture at MICA and what better way to begin the induction than with a sneak preview of what can be expected at the MICANVAS party?
Scheduled to be held on October 28th, the party is a grand finale of sorts, a culmination of all the hard work put in by the student body and a time to bury all our monstrous, snappy avatars that we assume during the course of four, time-strapped and rather stressful days. Maybe, even a celebration of sorts, to celebrate the return to our own rooms that we may have been kicked out of during MICANVAS. The party would be open to all MICAns and participants from other colleges, who would be present on campus at the time of the party.
So what’s there to look out for, at this party? Well, apart from the usual dance floor, music and the good food rigmarole (which are customary at every party at MICA), the MICANVAS team has in store what promises to be a party on a much bigger scale than has been seen, thus far. The dance floor will extend all the way from Ground Zero, at Palaash (where it’s usually held) to Kachnar, next door. For the benefit of non-MICAns, Palaash and Kachnar are the names of two of our hostel blocks. Ground Zero at Palaash is also legendary and holds a special place in the minds of many ex and current MICAns. It is also the place where all parties (from birthday dunkings to arbit spur of the moment dance parties to more organized parties like the MICANVAS party) are hosted.
Apart from the increased scale of the party, there lies the promise of having a new DJ, that lies in the offing as well! Not to say that the old ‘record-breaking’ DJ (Seniors on campus will not tire of telling the rest of us that this particular DJ happens to be the record holder in the Limca Book of Records for having played for the longest time continuously) is not incentive enough to attend the party but well, as they say, variety is the spice of life.
And for MICAns, who’re veterans of the famed MICA parties, there is an opportunity to find new dance partners, owing to all the participants, from other institutes, who brave all odds to remain present (and awake long enough!) on campus. Maybe, this would be the perfect excuse to brush up on your Salsa skills at the workshop being conducted during MICANVAS.
So that’s the cue for you to bring out those dancing shoes and get ready to party hard- the MICAn way (now’s the time to remember that famous MICAn cliché- we work hard but party harder)! Oh and if you’re not used to the party scene at MICA, then do remember to pop in some more of those insomnia-inducing pills to keep those sleepy blues away. For parties that start only around 12 midnight, it goes without saying that all the fun part begins only way past Cindrella’s bed-time. Who knows, you might even manage to catch glimpses of a sunrise through the ‘disco lights’. And yes, it is the perfect opportunity to keep oneself abreast on the latest campus gossip! Now that should bring on the party spirits kicking in. For a more in-depth induction into the party culture, be there to find out.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
The PDFs!
As the days to MICANVAS fall beyond 20, there is a frenetic lot of activity taking place. Committees are working overtime to make sure that we bring YOU a great Brand Management fest!
At MICA, we always believe in ease of convenience, so for you guys, here's a one-stop shop of all the PDFs that we've sent you. This space will be constantly updated as and when more events are finalised, so keep checking this space :)
1. Colloquium - The International Day
2. CrossTalk - The Debate
3. EDC Cerebrus - The Business Plan Competition
4. Paras MindBenders - The New Product Plan Contest
5. Spotlight - The One-Act play Competition
Please do scrap us or email us if you have any queries!