Friday, August 31, 2007


by JD
The easel is set. And the canvas gracing the tripod waits its wait to soak in the colours. Another routine thing, some would think. Anything but! We can’t help but smirk at the very thought. Routine bores us and conservative spells death. Though what would fill the canvas is beyond our grasp. The curves and strokes get done on its own. We just hold the brush. And bring in the palette - rich, vibrant colours, all shades and hues, swirling a latent twirl – alive, almost- and waiting to splash on the canvas.

The Reds – of the build-up and its sheer intensity, of the rigor in planning things down to a T, of the pulsating embers waiting to get flared up in a blaze of glory.

The Greens – of the campus and its virgin environs all set to get decked up, of the envy over a job better done by fellow mate and waiting one’s turn to surpass even that, of the megabucks that pass hands bloating the scale one notch higher.

The Blues – of, well, the occasional blues, which too gets dissolved away in the wink of an eye, of the stillness in the final wakes of the late nights, and as the day draws nigh - of the serenity in the calm before the storm.

The shocking Pinks and zany Purples – of the event. Call it crazy, offbeat, even a tad outlandish – or better still, MICAns!

The Yellows – of the third awakening, of the dazzling lights lighting up the dais, of four seamless days and the golden glow that fills the sight.

The Blacks – of sheer class, of the evil eyes cast, of murdered nights.

And the whites – of the sheer brilliance of the beast called CROWD, of the five senses dissolving into the beyond – into the sixth.

And of the still empty canvas on the easel waiting its wait to soak in the colours, all hues and shades.

Come one, come all to make merry and watch the splash. Because in the end, it all waters down to one thing. One word rather.


The kick-start!
MICANVAS goes global!


by ChUcK

"Hey, ho! Let's go!"
- The Ramones

"MICA mein kuch bhi ho sakta hai."
- Advice given to us by a MICA prof, on our first ever day.

It's still two months away, but the buzz is in the air... Everywhere you roam around on campus, be it beside Mehul Bhai's signature vada paavs at the Chota, or amidst Pink Floyd blaring about coming back to life at the hostels, or just at the back seat of classrooms.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the mad, crazy, happening world of MICANVAS. Where reason goes for the proverbial toss and the eleventh hour assumes unheard-of importance. Where Murphy's is more than a law, it's a way of life.

You see people running around in formal suits, and then shorts a minute later. MICANVAS.
You see people religiously scribbling down stuff in little diaries, rather than pore over Kotler. MICANVAS.
You see people frenetically calling people and making mock marketing pitches. MICANVAS.
You see arbit meetings at the Chota at odd times when people would generally be studying the finer points of the human physiology - talking marketing jazz and strategy. MICANVAS.

But then, come October 25, you'll see an event. Like Rome, it won't have been built in a day (by Jove, no!). The amalgamation of sweat, toil, tears and see-two-ech-five-oh-ech ;) of some very passionate, crazy people. Again, MICANVAS.

This blaag will chronicle the happenings leading up to MICANVAS... During MICANVAS and after MICANVAS.

We'll provide you all the stuff you need to know - keeping the pfaff out - all the dope, all the happenings, all the gyaan.

If there are any questions you need to ask, about anything... About MICANVAS, about MICA, about the highly intellectual author of this blog and his rock music collection, or Mehul Bhai's samosas - anything, drop us a scrap on our
Orkut profile.

Or send a mail to
We assure you a reply in less than 24 working hours :D

Welcome, one and all, to MICA's brand management fest - MICANVAS - The Sixth Sense!



So, what’s new at MICANVAS? Sure, we’ve got a few more people, a few more events, a little more food, and more music. But is that all? Ostensibly, not… Read on!

This year, MICANVAS plays host to participants from foreign universities and corporate houses from across the globe. It is the first time in it’s illustrious history that MICANVAS goes International. 25th October 2007 is a red-letter day for us, and we are delighted to embark on this journey.

This year, the theme of MICANVAS is ‘The Third Awakening – Brand India Resonates’. MICANVAS 2007 celebrates the undying spirit of the nation, and the ever-burgeoning ambit of talent and intellectualism that drives forth Brand India. The International Day aims to provide an international perspective to the theme.

The beginning of the day will be marked by a panel discussion of luminaries from across a wide spectrum of commerce and knowledge sectors; the topic of discussion being our theme, ‘The Third Awakening – Brand India Resonates’.

Following this eminent gathering, will be Colloquium - the International Day event which will have participants from all over the globe battling it out in a communications plan competition, the pre-cursor to which has already been run online. The top 6 teams from around the world will contest this event.

The event revolves around conducting primary research in the first phase by participants, among people in their countries, to find out the perceptions and opinions of people about various facets of India, like Economy, Art and Culture, Nuclear Power, Education, Entertainment, Agriculture, Science & Technology, Sociological Status, Youth Development, etc. and documenting them to form a consolidated report of their findings.
The second phase comprises of selected finalists coming to MICANVAS. These finalists will vie for the top prize in a competition where they have to share their Integrated Marketing Communication solution for branding India globally. This competition will be judged by eminent people from the industry, each of whom is a pioneer in his own right. And of course, there are some phenomenal prizes for the taking.

After the events, it’s time to let the hair down and loosen up the collar buttons, as we end the day with a cultural night.

We look forward to welcoming one and all - from India and from the world over - to this magnum opus!

For the official Colloquium brochure, please click


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A photographic flashback. What you can expect for MICANVAS 2007. A shutterbug's view of the Magnum Opus of last year.

"Wise man said, just walk this way...
To the dawn of the light..."
- 'Send me an Angel', The Scorpions

Welcome to MICANVAS!

The auditorium - filled to the brim with participants and MICAns... Let MICANVAS roll!

Euphoria @ MICANVAS 2006, setting the stage on fire! Not literally, of course!

The sixth sense indeed! Our crafts group, MICrafitti, works overtime to ensure each MICANVAS is aesthetically pleasing!

More from MICrafitti...! Yes, they ARE a talented bunch!

The Daily Grind - Chronicling the daily happenings at MICANVAS! By our own LitComm!

The theme for MICANVAS 2006 was The Black Box - Unlocked. Here is our own tribute to the theme... Replete with events and announcements... You could say the Black Box was at the center of everything! :D

The traditional canvas @ MICANVAS... Where everyone tells us what they think of our Brand Management fest! :D

DC - Picto @ MICANVAS... Yup, there's a bit of fun 'n' games too :D

MICA Photos... MICAmera!

We're very proud of our li'l campus, the little oasis in the middle of nowhere.
Here are some of the pictures of life (and life forms!) at MICA...


The signboard outside the campus proclaiming that you indeed have reached your destination! Welcome to MICA!

Outside the Seminar Halls... Where the learning, debates and yes, even movie screenings take place ;)

Palaash and Parijat - home to the first-year students @ MICA. Palaash is also the official dance floor during parties, including the MICANVAS Friday Night party!

Football matches happen at MICA with regularity. Here's a scene from a PGP1 v PGP2 game.

Inside the administrative block... Note the MICANVAS canvasses and in the distance, the MICA campus model!

The MICAVAANI studio - the home of our community radio brodcasting unit, and where amateur musicians find their calling!

The MICA mess - always whipping up something to whet 200 hungry stomachs!

The administrative block @ MICA - where all the 'official' work happens!

The senior hostels - from Pink Floyd to Sigmund Freud - from movies to books - from Brand Management to Media Planning - from planning skits to birthday dunks - it all happens here!